مستند رازبقا ، حیوانات جدید ، نبرد دیدنی شیر و کروکودیل در رودخانه
Note This content is mixed between fact fictionSometimes we create fictional stories, where we combine a few clips to create an educational story for the purpose of excitement.
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The first lion cautiously stepped into the river , his amber eyes flickering with a mixture of fear and determination. The Luangwa River has one of the highest concentrations of crocodiles in the whole of Africa. Lions might have the upper hand on land, but in water, the tables turn, and i
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The first lion cautiously stepped into the river , his amber eyes flickering with a mixture of fear and determination. The Luangwa River has one of the highest concentrations of crocodiles in the whole of Africa. Lions might have the upper hand on land, but in water, the tables turn, and i
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در صورتی که اپلیکیشن فیلو را نصب کرده اید؛ برای تماشا یا دانلود این ویدیو وارد اپلیکیشن شده، از منو گزینه اسکن را انتخاب کرده و کد زیر را اسکن کنید.